Electronic Filing Opens January 27, 2025!
Electronic Filing Opens January 27, 2025!
All clients (new and returning) are required to complete this organizer and return it with all the necessary documents to prepare your Income Tax Returns.
This form will help you to make sure you have all the necessary documents and confirm or change any of your personal information.
Personal Income Tax Organizer (pdf)
DownloadUse this checklist as a guide to gather all your necessary tax documents before sending, and don't forget to download the Client Tax Organizer.
Tax Documents Checklist (pdf)
DownloadIf you are self-employed, or have a single-member LLC, please use this form to list all business income and expenses.
Income and Expense Organizer (pdf)
DownloadIf you own real property and rent it out to tenants, please use this organizer to give us details of your income and all related expenses.
Rental Property Income & Expense (pdf)